The College of Arts and Humanities offers a variety of majors, minors and other programs. The humanities and arts are an essential component of the University’s mission to offer programs that enable students to be well-educated citizens and members of their professions and communities. They do this by engaging students in the contributions of thinkers and artists from all cultures and eras, so that they may know the civilization of which they are the heirs; by offering students opportunities to join the cultural conversation by making their own contributions to it, through media ranging from film to poetry to critical studies; by enabling students to become more effective communicators in a range of media, with writing and speech at the forefront, and to strengthen their critical reasoning abilities through their rigorous exercise.
Take a scroll down this "academic" lane and peruse the variety of departments and programs that make up the Arts and Humanities.
If you need assistance, we encourage you to contact the Student Success Center for the Arts and Humanities office. The Student Success Center is located at LaCorte Hall C-316 (LCH C-316) and can be reach via telephone: (310) 243-3264. The office is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Walk-in appointments are sometimes available but never guaranteed. We encourage you to call or email for an appointment.